Excellence in
Real Estate Law
and Estate Law

Photo of Professionals At McMurter & Associates.

Offering A Full Range Of Notary Services

McMurter & Associates provides an array of notary services in our Whitby office. These are a complement to our legal practice, which offers counsel in the areas of residential real estate, new home purchases, refinancing and estate planning.

There are many circumstances in which a person may need a notary. Examples include common commercial transactions, affidavits to be sworn in court and documents to support applications for government services. At McMurter & Associates, our commitment to “No Surprises” extends to our notary services.


We have an established legal practice whose client base comes in large part from referrals from real estate agents and other professionals. Our law firm serves clients in the Durham Region, Whitby and Oshawa.

Our notary services include:

  • Taking affidavits
  • Administering legal oaths, affirmations or declarations
  • Verifying signatures
  • Verifying that marks or copies are true or genuine

These services must be undertaken with great care and attention. We consistently meet this high standard of quality in our work.


Provided the client has the forms to be completed and has filled in all forms to be completed and has filled in all available and applicable personal information prior to signing, notarization fees are as follows:

1 st Document notarized $50 + HST
2 nd and subsequent documents notarized $25 + HST each

For notarized/certified copies, the customer must show the original document.

b) Drafting an original document where customer has no form to be completed.

Because drafting original documentation can vary significantly from one document to another, please contact the office directly to discuss your specific needs and the associated fees.

Notary services are delivered by appointment only. Please contact us to arrange a time to come in with your completed documentation.

Notaries public in Ontario are governed by the Notaries Act, and as such they must meet established practice standards and act in accordance with legislation. McMurter & Associates has been providing respected notary services for more than 30 years.

If you have any questions about the work we do, we encourage you to contact us. We are happy to discuss our practice with you.

Contact McMurter & Associates

To meet with an Ontario notary or a lawyer at our firm, send us an email or call us at 1-1-800-756-7138 or 289-278-0934 to schedule a consultation.

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